Auriol has helped my get my Crohn’s Disease under control. I had the second operation for Crohns in January 2000 and have suffered for nearly 30 years. With Auriol’s help I now am healthier than I have been for years and look 10 years younger. My Crohn’s has meant I have been careful where I went and what I wore, now I can get on with life and go where I want to go. I have removed Gluten and most dairy from my diet and wish I had discovered this years ago.
Thank you Auriol for all you help, you have changed my life.
I wanted to give you a positive update and say that I started my period yesterday and it was easy breezy. No mood swings or excruciating pain. I even managed to go BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) training in the afternoon with no issues. Only a few months ago I would not have been able to do that, let only entertain the thought of even leaving the house with how much pain I’d be in, but now I can go on with my everyday life as if nothings changed!
So incredibly happy with this progress, thank you very much. I shall keep posted as and when appropriate.
I just wanted to say sorry that I missed Wednesday and that I enjoyed the course and have changed the way I eat. My scales show an 8lb weight loss which I am really pleased with, so thanks for all your help.
Auriol looked at my lifestyle and diet (which I had thought was good) and made some changes. She also prescribed a few supplements and suggested doing a test to see what was going on.
After 3 months (3 weeks of which following a strict diet) I feel better than I have done in years. I have more energy and it is great to be able to wear everything in my wardrobe rather than it depending on how bloated and uncomfortable I felt. Importantly for me I now understand how my body works and therefore have more control.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your consultation with me and Polly and all the advice you gave us to go forward.
We have followed the advice you gave to reduce the dairy in Polly’s diet and added in the vitamin and probiotic supplements that you recommended that Polly take to support her.
The improvement to Polly’s rashes happened in just a week and even her appetite and sleeping pattern have improved.
Thank you so much,
Kind regards
Anita and Polly x
I am so grateful for Auriol’s advice on nutrition. I had found it hard to trust that eating well would do the trick, but quite clearly it does, and increasingly I trust myself to choose what I want to eat (generally the right things), and I am finding also that I know when to stop more and more. I had been sticking at around 12st 3 for a while before I tried your plan.
In terms of activity I am happy with where I am (3 runs, one 6 miles, two 3 miles, rowing once a week, generally keeping active) but I want to build in some more high intensity work and weights and core work. My experience is that I often take a while to get to where I need to be mentally, but my mind is set. If you told me in December that I would be this fit, I’d not have believed you. I work on the 2nd floor of our building and take the stairs each day, and remember puffing at the top, when now I waltz up.
I have just had a quarter end in work, which means late nights and constant pressure. This time I realised that I hadn’t used it as an excuse to binge eat.
Did I see that we are going to get together again in a few months? If so I think that’s a great idea. The key to success is a permanent change.
I am about to go on holiday now wearing a swimsuit I actually love. Thank you so much, I will be in touch in the future.
A year ago I was feeling exhausted all the time, couldn’t find energy to exercise, my self-esteem began to be impacted and I was finding myself in a never-ending hopeless loop where I could just barely survive my daily tasks!
I remember at some point being sick more than 5 times in a year and every time I was around someone with a cold or a flu, I would certainly get it!
Sure, a demanding work and personal life was not helping but I knew there was more to it so I went to my GP told me this could potentially be Hypothyroidism. After being tested, values were abnormal but not enough to justify how tired I was feeling.
Today, after following your priceless advice I am a very different person. I feel great! I exercise 3 to 5 times a week, I sleep better, I am more positive, I have far more energy and overall I just feel happier!
I still have a demanding job, and I actually found the energy to go back to my studies on top of organising my sister’s wedding!
Despite being around people with flu/cold (husband included) I have not got sick a single time for a year!
Today I do not need to go to the GP as often because you helped me through healthy diet and lifestyle!
Who wouldn’t be pleased with such amazing results? 😉
All the best!

Health Conditions
Healthy Weight Loss
Digestive Health
Sports Nutrition
Energy Levels
Immune System Health